Friday, October 14, 2011

Music Through a Dream

Music through a Dream
By: Jessica Sklenar

Author’s Note: I have written this essay to not only showcase my own talents but to convince Mercury Nashville Records that a young singer like myself is just what they need to take their business places it has never gone before. I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
              Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength. ~Author Unknown… Everyone who has ever walk this earth has had a dream in life, and one of the greatest fears to mankind is that, that dream will forever stay a fantasy, not becoming the reality that we all long for it to become. For as long as I can remember all I have ever wanted to do is sing. My mother and father say that I never really had a first word more like a first song, whether it be singing along to the radio or lullabies to my little brothers as they would fall asleep. I have never been the kind to give up and singing is everything that I find irresistible and everything that I have ever wanted to do, everything I could ever dream of doing. But in order to become that singer that I have always longed to be I need someone and something behind me to create this reality but keep that dream alive.
            Though the support of my family/friends and peers does gain miles for me, no singer would be anything without their record company behind them. Mercury Nashville Records has been producing records for over sixty-five years now and signed artists from Jessica Jarrell to Scotty McCreery. But the one thing that Mercury Nashville has never managed to do is to sign a country singer as young as thirteen years old and turn her into something the world has never seen before. Sure people will say “It’s impossible,” and “Does she really think she has a chance?” What some people may not realize is though I maybe thirteen years old,, when you hear me sing it’s like the world is at a standstill and anything is possible. I also can sing many types of music my home style –so to speak is Country music because it is like a home to me something I can always turn to when I need a helping hand. Pop, Jazz, and Hip – Hop music also fit my type of voice although I prefer Country and staying true to my roots.
            Most singers these days do not only sing various types of songs, but they write them themselves. I probably started writing songs around kindergarten, and I remember one of my first songs, was about my dad and how sometimes I felt that I didn’t get to have that father daughter relationship that every little girl longs for. So I wrote a song to him saying that I wanted to go hunting with him and be just like my dad. Ever sense when I have anything to talk about instead of talking I write a song and honestly it’s the most special thing in the world to me. It helps a recording company extremely when someone can not only sing but write their own songs as well because often times that’s what makes the music business so real, so true to the world. As well as making the singer who writes these songs better well known because of the world of mouth in the industry and because it draws people’s attention to this type of music in particular.
            Only some singers write their own music, making them automatically interesting and relatable to their audience, but probably the most grabbing thing to watching live music is to actually see the singers pull out a guitar or play the piano and show just how much this song means to them. For three years now I have been playing the guitar and writing music to go along with the words of some of the songs I have written, and I just recently started to play the piano around a month ago. Mercury Nashville Records needs more people like this people who can leave all they have left of them on the stage every performance, who can relate to their fans and would do anything to be the best in the business. You see to some people music is just something they hear on the radio or something they hear their family members humming as they wash the dishes. But to those few amount of people, like me, music is everything.
            Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength. ~Author Unknown. Giving up on my dream would be like losing everything that I am, and that is not an option. Sure to some people I may just be some thirteen year old girl with a dream, but that dream may just be the difference in a life to someone. That is exactly the reason why Mercury Nashville’s best bet is on me because once you hear the fire in my voice you’ll know why they need someone like me. Music is my life and will forever remain in my heart and soul, so I’m not ready to give up nor will I ever be.

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