Monday, October 3, 2011

"Dear John," Analysis

“Dear John,” Analysis
By: Jessica Sklenar

Authors Note: This is an analysis of the book “Dear John,” by Nicholas Sparks. I am writing this analysis to show that I can tell what would lead up to the Climax and the Resolution in the book “Dear John.” And that in the future I will be able to understand and point out the Climax and the Resolution of stories I read in the future.

       Love, a strong word used by the caring and often times the young, love a word that never escapes the mind of two hearts, love the fate of the world as we know it  and love the one word that will change John Tyree’s life forever. “Dear John,” by Nicholas Sparks is a heartfelt romantic story about the rollercoaster that love truly is. This book is a romantic’s dream a story of love lost and love found all throughout one man’s life (John Tyree), this book in particular will make you cry and never want to put it down. But just what is it about this book that makes it so interesting to the romantics of the world?  
       To me what makes, “Dear John,” the most heart grippingly wonderful story is the whole climax of it all. The fact that Savannah (the woman John loves), falls in love with someone else while John is away in the army. Though in the story there are obvious signs that this was bound to happen such as the fact that Savannah had known the man she fell in love with almost her entire life and the fact that he had been in love with her for nearly his whole life as well. Also the fact that John and Savannah had been fighting for the past year or so before John had left for the army, John had to have known that this was bound to happen at some point in their relationship. That is why it was so easy for me to understand why this had happened in the first place between the two of them.
       The climax to this story really effected the relationship between John and Savannah because after she had told John that she was engaged and to be wed to another man. John was heartbroken and had felt as though that he wasn’t good enough for Savannah so soon after their friendship died as well as the love they once shared. Until one day John got a call saying that his father had died, so John was to return home for the funeral and to take care of the matters of the household that his dad had been living in at the time of his death. While John was going through the memories that he and his dad had once shared, he thought of Savannah and how he had missed the way she treated him and the way their friendship used to be. Finally, John decided to look up Savannah’s address and he drove to the farm that her and her husband Tom were living on and tried to regain the friendship that him and her once shared. He did not fail; when he got there Savannah was overjoyed to see him and told him how she was sorry and how she had missed his company. And she also told him how Tom had gotten cancer and was in the hospital, while John comforted her somewhere along the way their friendship was reborn. Creating the resolution of the story, this wasn’t very hard to comprehend as well as the climax because of the way you can see that the conflict of the story or the climax had been resolved with John and Savannah regaining that friendship once again.
       “Dear John,” by Nicholas Sparks, combined with the Climax and resolution will remain one of the best books I have ever read for a long time to come. It’s a heartfelt and touching story about the struggles of not only love but life as well. “Dear John,” is an amazing story about the struggles in life and will always show you that no matter what hand life gives you it always gets better.

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