Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Love I Have For You

Love I Have For You
What are you supposed to say
What are you supposed to do
When you feel like
The world you knew
Is now just a broken glass
How am I supposed to love
When I've never loved before
But I'm still
Knocking at your door
And how can I stop the rain
When I can't even keep from crying
*The broken glass (Chorus)
My poorin' rain
No it wont bring me no pain
And I will fight for you
Until my love stops fallin'
Yeah I'll make it through
With the love I have for you*
Now I'm grownin'' stronger everyday
Even through  the hurt and the pain
Yeah I'll keep fighten
Till my love stops fallin ohhhh
*The broken glass
My poorin rain
No it wont bring me pain
And I'll fight for you
Until my love stops fallin'
Yeah I'll make it through
With the love I have for you*
The love I have for you

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Un-Washable Window

Dear Diary,
I cannot believe this! It’s been a month, a whole month! But to me it feels like it’s been a whole year, they…haven’t…washed me! Outrageous I know. You see cant they tell I am not an ordinary window; I am “the window” of “Bart’s Windows.” The face you see on the television, I make the magic here and yet they neglect to wash me. Just yesterday this punk kid was talking down the street; he must have been two or three years old and boy could you tell that this kid he was not a fan of my beautiful shine. He had the nerve to wipe is grimy, scummy, yuck-filled hands all over me!

I felt so violated….

But that is not even the WORST OF IT! Bart then walked right past me, right past me! You could tell he saw the whole disgrace…and he didn’t even WASH ME!

Does anybody have a heart anymore?

I guess the world will never learn to appreciate me; ”the window” of “Bart’s Windows.”

Life as a window huh…. It’s not easy!

~The Un-washable Window

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Mystery of Cloning

The Mystery of Cloning

A Research Paper


Jessica L. Sklenar

What is “cloning?” Research and describe the process of cloning. Where and when has it occurred? What are the advantages and disadvantages? What are your opinions about this activity? Why is it a controversial topic?

Sub Topic
Clone Definition
“Clone: To make a copy of.”
To clone is to make a copy of something or someone.
Cloning (Adults)
“Contrary to depictions in movies, cloning does not create instant carbon copies of adults.”
When in the process of cloning, adult copies may not occur right away.
(Dudley, 2006)
Cloning (Animals)
“In addition to slight genetic differences, cloned animals differ in how their genes may express themselves and in the environment in which they are raised.”
 When cloning animals, these animals, while they may be clones of another, these animals may express themselves in many different ways.
(Dudley, 2006)
Dolly The Sheep
“Since the 1997 announcement that scientists had successfully created a cloned sheep (named Dolly), researchers have created cloned cattle, pigs, goats, and other farm animals.”
Scientists have begun to clone farm animals ever since the 1997 successful attempt to create a cloned sheep (Dolly).
(Dudley, 2006)
Early Cloning
“Early methods of cloning in the 1970s involved a technology called embryo splitting, or blastomere separation. Embryos were split into several cells and then implanted into a surrogate mother for growth and development.

Laws Against Cloning
“As of July 2004, only 30 of the 191 states recognized by the United Nations have passed laws banning human reproductive cloning.”
Of all of the states recognized by the United Nations, 30 out of the 191 states have passed laws prohibiting human cloning.
(Dudley, 2006)
United States
“President George W. Bush advocated banning both reproductive and therapeutic cloning.”
Past president, George W. Bush supported the idea of banning reproductive and therapeutic cloning.
(Dudley, 2006)
DNA cloning (different types of cloning)
“To "clone a gene," a DNA fragment containing the gene of interest is isolated from chromosomal DNA using restriction enzymes and then united with a plasmid that has been cut with the same restriction enzymes. When the fragment of chromosomal DNA is joined with its cloning vector in the lab, it is called a "recombinant DNA molecule."”

Author’s Note: I am writing this piece to show my knowledge on cloning. I hope that you enjoy this piece and that you learn a little something from it as well.
          Everyone is different; no two people exactly the same, or are they? Due to research, scientists are starting to explore further into the unknown, into the world of cloning. Thanks to Dolly the “cloned” sheep back in 1997, the idea of cloning has seemed to become even more possible (Dudley, 2006). Although we have yet to clone a human, we have come incredibly far in the field of cloning since research on this topic began. 
          Just like everything in life, you have to start somewhere, the same goes with cloning. The first cloning experiments, back in the 1970’s were formed by Embryo Splitting (Dudley, 2006). A term in which scientist would split an embryo into several little cells then implant the embryo into certain mother, so it could grow and develop (Dudley, 2006). While this method was effective later on (because they used adult cells instead of child cells), it was not very predictable because scientist had no way of knowing what the characteristics of this offspring may be (Dudley, 2006). Therefore scientists decided to further advance our technology so certain cloning was possible, this also brought us a lot of the technology advancements and cloning methods that we have today.
After a number of years and further development of ideas and technology for cloning, scientist have been able to make not one, but many clones and have even started to experiment with human cloning. One of the different ways to clone that scientists newly created is called reproductive cloning, which involved using a certain cloning technology to create an embryo that is placed into a uterus where it is grown and developed into a another being  (Dudley, 2006). This method is usually performed when experimenting with human cloning (Dudley, 2006). Thusly greater expanding our knowledge of cloning and creating wider spread possibilities in the field of cloning.
Over the years cloning technology has advanced so greatly that there has developed great differences, as well as the occasional similarities. The greatest similarity between the two cloning methods is that they both used embryos while cloning and then placed them into a female for development. One of the greatest differences however between the two was that one was done by hand and the other through a computerized system. This also goes to show just how much technology can advance over time. Another difference between the two methods is that, reproductive cloning used adult embryos while the 1970’s version of embryo splitting did not. Due to this fact a lot more clones were able to be made using reproductive cloning, because these animals were able to form a lot easier.
Though the world of cloning has grown greatly over the years, from animal cloning to ever the possibility of human cloning there is still greater work to be done in this field. But as technology advances it is also showing that this field will continue to be experimented greatly over the next couple of years. Who knows what the future may hold? Maybe one day you’ll have a clone of your own.


Clone . (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2012, from Merriam- Webster : http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cloning
Cloning Fact Sheet. (2009 , May 11). Retrieved April 17, 2012, from Human Genome Project Information : http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning.shtml
Dudley, W. (2006). Writing the Critical Essay Cloning. Farmington Hills : Thompson Gale.


Stand Up

Stand Up

(Written week of April 23rd)

Author’s Note: I am writing this piece to show how badly bullying can really affect someone. I hope that you enjoy this piece and that you may also take something from it.
            Bullying, definition; use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. But is there really a definition for bullying? Everyday all across the world, someone is bullied. Every day someone in this world takes their own life, due to being bullied. Therefore, no there is no exact definition to bullying because in some cases you never get to hear the full story. Bullying is hurtful, depressing and completely and utterly wrong, and still we do not know the full story, but there are many ways to prevent the victim or bully from taking severe actions towards bullying.   
            A person can be bullied in a series of ways, but whether it is physical, mental, indirect, social alienation, intimidation or cyber bullying, that does not change the fact that bullying is wrong. Physical bullying occurs when there is any physical contact (punching, hitting, kicking etc.) between the bully and the victim. Whereas cyber bullying occurs when a text, email and/ or private message etc is sent, from the bully to the victim, containing information that threatens the victim, makes fun of the victim and/or frightens the victim. Both of these are very common examples of bullying and while they may be different, they both have a great affect on not only the victim’s but the bully’s life as well.
            Though there are many different types of bullying, there are also many ways to prevent the victims and/or bullies from taking very severe actions towards others and/or themselves. One of the many ways to prevent bullying and/or to help the victim and/or bully cope with the situation, is to allow them to talk to someone about it. If you have ever been bullied, you would know that sometimes all you want it to have someone to talk to, someone to stand by you and help you through this hard time in their lives. Therefore if we reach out to these people and give them a hand to hold, we might just be able to not only help this person but we might also be able to move one step closer to prevent bullying.
            There are many different ways that we can prevent the victim from harming themselves or others but helping the bully is a completely different battlefield. Most times a person will bully someone for their outer appearance and most times without the other person getting to know them first. Most times this person will also bully another because they are insecure about themselves. Some ways that we can help this person be more self confident and prevent them from bullying others is to allow them to talk about their insecurities and make them stronger as a person.
            Bullying is hurtful, harmful and downright wrong and though there may be many different types of bullying, we all still have the power to prevent bullying. So let’s take a stand and stop bullying once and for all and give these people a voice. Let’s stand up to bullying once and for all.  

The Big Apple

The Big Apple

(Written the week of April 16th)

Author’s Note: I am writing this short story to show a more creative side to my writing. I hope that you enjoy this piece as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

            Growing up in “The Big Apple,” is not easy. Always having a competition in the midst, it’s all about the competition here. But probably one of the hardest things about “The Big Apple” is finding a job. Especially when you are trying to make it as a writer, in a city full of the biggest writing companies in the United States. When one spot in a firm opens up, half the city jumps at the chance to have amazing job like this, just last week there was a new opening at the post and my father had finally convinced me to take a leap of faith and apply for the position. So you know I am feeling pretty confident in myself, but the second that I walked into the building. All of that confidence was just whipped away because the lobby was entirely full of people dressed in fancy suits and briefcases in hand. Then there’s me my hair pulled back in a French braid and dressed in my new sundress. I thought the interview went well though. I guess all I can do is hold my head high and pray that I get a call from them. But until then I will just keep spinning my wheels here in “The Big Apple.”